Long Term Mobility
You can also gain international experience while studying teacher education by taking part in an international long-term mobility program. “FAU Teacher Education International” supports you in your opportunities to gain experience abroad and offers you the possibility of financial support:
Within the framework of “FAU Teacher Education International”, you have the opportunity to qualify for a full scholarship. You can apply for funding for a semester abroad at one of FAU’s partner universities, in which your attend courses from at least two pillars of teacher education (subject-related studies, subject-related didactics, educational sciences, internships). In some cases, you can also complete seminar-related internships/school visits at partner schools of the host university or write your admission thesis with an international comparative focus under joint supervision by lecturers from FAU and the partner university.
Past Call for Tenders
Future Calls for Tenders
Current announcements will be posted on the home page of the website, in our StudOn course, and on our Instagram channel.
FAQs about the Full Scholarship by “FAU Teacher Education International”
Do I already have to have a study place at the time of application?
At the time of application for a scholarship from “FAU Lehramt International”, you should have applied for a study place at one of the partner universities in the project and thus have a place in prospect. The confirmation can be submitted later if necessary. In addition, the confirmation of the study place from FAU is sufficient for the time being. The confirmation of the partner university abroad can be submitted later.
Please note that these are two separate application procedures (and applications).
Application procedure 1: Study place at a partner university abroad
Application procedure 2: Financial support for a study place at a partner university abroad through the full scholarship from “FAU Lehramt International”.
Where and how do I apply for a study place?
The application for a study place runs through the established procedures at FAU. Find out about the selection process and current application deadlines from the Central Office of International Affairs (S-INTERNATIONAL) and the international office of your faculty. Use the page “Planning a Mobility” for orientation.
How long is an online start supported by the scholarship?
Against the background of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions, the DAAD offers the possibility that mobility measures in project funding can be started online or carried out exclusively online under certain conditions. According to the DAAD, these regulations “… apply in principle for the year 2021 and, in the case of online scholarships, until the end of the winter semester 2021/22, but are subject to the proviso that the effects of the Corona pandemic do not permit physical mobilities during this period. Thus, early modification or termination of these rules is possible if the situation eases sufficiently.” (DAAD letter dated 06.01.2021).
Acquiring credit from at least two pillars of teacher education - What does this mean?
During the studies at a project partner university abroad, achievements from at least two pillars of teacher education, i.e. from subject science-subject didactics-educational science (and psychology)-internships should be acquired. Furthermore, admission theses can be prepared and written abroad.